BMW, E28, M30 -

Hey Everyone! Thank you for visiting us on our site. If you are new to the BMW scene in general it is important to remember that these engines and chassis' are unique in every way possible and learning your way around them without breaking them requires a lot of patience! We have been saving BMWs for the past decade and would love to share our experiences with you!   Today we are concentrating on the M30 cylinder head. The M30 engine was used in various BMW platforms for more than 25 Years! while there were many different variants, the core...

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E30 -

Hey Guys! So removing an engine from any car can be a challenge but as a BMW fanatic there is probably nothing more exciting! Removing an M20 from an E30 is not the most terribly difficult job but it is most definitely time consuming if you are doing it by yourself with limited tools but don't fret it's not as bad as it sounds. We definitely enjoy doing it whether it is for a swap or for an engine rebuild there are a few tips in the video that may help you with your engine removal!  let us know if...

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I hope you guys enjoy this one!  Below are a couple of links to FCP euro for some of the parts mentioned in the video.  Eccentric Adjustment Screw  Valve Adjuster Nut  Please note that this video is not only intended for e30 or e28 cars. You can utilize this procedure for any car that utilizes the M20 platform. If there are any questions please 

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